Human Rights Lawyer

Trusted Human Rights Lawyers in Toronto

Do you need a Human Rights Lawyer? At Gaertner Baron Professional Corporation, our lawyers have over 30 years of experience providing our clients with expert Human Rights counsel both in the Superior Court and the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. In Ontario, the Human Rights Code prohibits actions that discriminate against people based on a protected “ground” in a protected “social area”. We have the knowledge and experience to determine how the Code applies to you and what your rights and obligations are. If you need an experienced Human Rights Lawyer, give us a call at 416-260-2100.

If you just searched for Human Rights Lawyer Toronto…

Then chances are you are a person who has experienced discrimination involving:

• Age
• Ancestry, colour, race
• Citizenship
• Ethnic origin
• Place of origin
• Creed
• Disability
• Family status
• Marital status (including single status)
• Gender identity, gender expression
• Receipt of public assistance (in housing only)
• Record of offences (in employment only)
• Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding) or
• Sexual orientation.

Who Are We

We are a cost-effective, boutique law firm located in downtown Toronto, with an emphasis on Human Rights Law. In fact, our firm was involved in one of the longest ever hearings to be adjudicated before the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. We are experts in providing Human Rights counsel and we have the skills and experience necessary to win your case. We have highly skilled and experienced lawyers, paralegals, and law clerks. We utilize leading-edge legal technology and we take pride in operating a modern law firm.

Arie Gaertner was called to the Ontario Bar in 1976, and formerly led the Toronto Litigation department of a large multinational law firm. At Gaertner Baron Professional Corporation we provide our clients with top-tier legal service, at cost-effective rates.

Our Team


  • Arie-Gaertner-Toronto-Lawyer

    Arie Gaertner

    Founding Partner

  • William Levitt


  • Maija Pluto


  • Karen J. Sanchez


  • naveera-bhatti

    Naveera Bhatti


How We Work With You

We will meet with you, review your case, and advise you. We will pay thorough attention to your requirements and build a close working relationship with you so you understand what is going on and what needs to be done at all times. If you have a Human Rights Claim, we will provide you with expert Human Rights legal representation.

Why Should You Use a Human Rights Lawyer Instead of Trying to Do It Yourself

Human Rights is a special area of law which requires a thorough understanding of the Ontario Human Rights Code and the practice and procedures of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. In some cases, Human Rights Claims may be advanced through the Ontario Superior Court. Without a formal legal training and years of experience, it is almost impossible to navigate this on your own. An experienced Human Rights Lawyer can provide you with the advice you need, make the right decisions for you, and properly represent you at your hearing.

How We Charge and Invoice

At Gaertner Baron Professional Corporation, we work with our clients to provide suitable and economical options including fixed fee, hourly fee deferred fee arrangements.

How We Get Started

Our clients generally call us to have an initial discussion about their situation. We may also schedule an initial consultation (at no charge to you) to discuss your case and how we can help.